Monday, July 18, 2011

3rd PT Session Today - Hard Work but I miss that "good pain"

So the honeymoon phase with my PT guy officially ended today.  He pushed me today but I needed it.  While I bit my lip, inhaled and exhaled deeply and kept my game face in tact, all I could think of was "Oh, how the mighty have fallen).  Here I am barely able to chest press a less than 1lb bar when about 4 months ago I was pressing 40lbs with ease.  I do feel like my muscles are starting their rebuild process.  I can lift my arms a little higher and hold them up a little longer.  I am getting around a little quicker and fatiguing less quickly but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't over this shyt! I want my MOJO back!

I hope by my bday on 8/12 I'll be somewhat closer to normal but I know this will be a lengthy road and I'm trying to take things one day at a time - appreciating the baby steps over the long strides.  I had to give another 4 vials of blood today in preparation of my visit with my rheumatologist on Friday. I'm eager to tweak my medications.  She did let me drop the Prednisone from 60 to 50mg but really am interested in increasing the Imuran.  Had to get more liver function tests done to make sure I can tolerate it.  ***Fingers crossed

It's late in the day and I'm rambling but it is what it is......